Tuesday, February 16, 2016

An unpublished draft from Nadia's 2nd birthday....

Today you are two years old. It was two years ago that I began several journeys. First, I started school for my MSW a few weeks prior to your birth. Second and most importantly your mother and I became parents for the first time when you were born.

All journeys have been fantastic but you and your mother are the inspiration that keeps me driving to be a better man with each decision and step I take.

When you were born at 1 lb 10 oz. I was scared. I feared for your life most of your stay in the hospital. Watching you grow these first two years has made me feel like I can accomplish anything I choose to accomplish.

As you started school a week ago I was nervous as could be but your mother was confident that school/day care was the right decision for you. She was right and you are enjoying school until the end of the day when your friends leave :).

I want to wish you a happy birthday and hope you read this one day and reflect back on the journey you have already made. Your journey is an inspiration to me and I hope one day it becomes an inspiration to you as well.

You are loved by many and we will celebrate tonight and on Saturday with family too.

I promise to always let you know I love you.

Forturnate and deserving...

In looking back on a post from 2011 regarding Nadia's first bath and how much she did not enjoy it I had time to reflect on our family journey since that point.

For Nadia she has grown and grown and she now asks for baths. She loves baths and I enjoy watching her play with the shower sprayer and her toys. 

For me, I sometimes or a lot of times used to knock myself in the matter that I was not a good enough person to deserve the two most important people in my life. And a few of the people closest to me would reinforce the idea that I was not good enough over and over to me. I have since learned that I do not deserve to be treated like shit as that makes me angry and resentful. In turn it affects my behavior negatively but that is no excuse as I need to own up to my actions.

I am the right person for my place in my life and that includes Nadia. I am so grateful for her. Not a day goes by without me thinking of her when I am in meetings in New York or now at home.

All the while through this journey I knew in my heart that the path I chose was chosen for us and our future. I am sorry that many did not feel the same but at least Nadia will still have those people in her life for motivation. I will never understand how family tries to predict your failure. 

Now, what you may not realize is this is a post from 2011 that I edited to remove a person I will not speak of on this blog. Below is the original ending text of this post and it made me realize that I need to ignore the distractions in my life and really step for Nadia's care. 

The quote below was from David Woititz, a friend and man in my life who died while I was holding his hand in the mountains of northern NJ late last year.

As I looked back on Nadia's first bath I realized how I showed up during those times and I am proud of that. It was not how I drew up beginning my MSW at Rutgers but I am further along the career path and I am better for it. A man said to me once my daughter came home, "I was very concerned but I said to myself, he is the right man for that position on this earth. He's got that." Well, I can reflect and say that I did have that now but during the time it was tough to see two people I love battle and all I could do was show up. Of course this has been spun recently, but that is not what this blog is about.

Then I realized that my part of the battle was showing up. Just show up and be there. One of my cousins said to me once that sometimes you need to pickup the phone and call a person. It might just to be to listen, feel completely awkward, and not know what to say. She was right as that is what showing up is all about. Be there and listen. Advice is usually not needed or helpful but presence for me was what carried me through.

The two paragraphs above were from three or four years ago. Had I known then what I know now, I would not change anything. Divorce was not an option for me but that did not mean it was going to happen. It was thrust upon Nadia and I. It is something that I thought I would never experience again after my childhood. I feel like I lost even though I got a lot. Having lost Nadia for 150 days a year is devastating to me and it is not something I am sure I will get over for a long time. That really is the only negative for me of this divorce besides its affects on Nadia.