Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Goings on...

On the eve of the one summer class I am taking this semester I choose to reflect on the past three weeks where I have had some work and no school at all.

Reflection, I really enjoy spending time with Tash and Nadia. Tash and I have been enjoying several parties and we will continue outings until the end of June. Actually, we booked every weekend to spend with friends and family over the next several weeks. Tash has been busier than I lately and has little time for jewelry making and gardening but she has squeezed some in sparingly. She is working on a new chapter of her own as well which hopefully help her find more time.

While my in laws are farming away I had some leisure time and I was given a plot of land to play. I proceeded to plant 2 lbs of corn (6,000 seedlings), and 6 lbs of dwarf sugar peas (18,000 seedlings). I am not boasting about the work I am doing. It is fun for me and I will be inundating those that know me with corn in about 70 days if things go as planned. Sorry, we will be eating all the peas… I think….

And we started working our at a local gym 6 weeks ago... very cool and exciting. I hope to shed the weight I picked up along the various towns I have been traveling through over the last year or so.

As we approach a new chapter in our lives this fall, it is exciting and terrifying for me. Tash is confident that things will work out and every time she has said this in the past she was right. So this time I agree and feel good bringing my feeling of being terrified down to mortified. Actually, I feel quite good and confident in our abilities to get things done.

Nadia is approaching 20 months old and she will actually be there on 6/9/13. Time is not flying by at all for me and I am thankful for the time I get to spend with her and Tash. Watching her grow and learn is exciting and it is fun to watch her learn two languages at the same time as well. I am actually picking up some new words as she does as well.

This week, Social Work Research II begins… and I saw the first movie Social Work Research I a while back and I was not entertained. I came out of that class knowing that I did not want to do research unless I absolutely had to… maybe this next professor will help change my stance on that. After July 3rd, it will be 8 weeks with no school and come September the new chapter begins. I will try to post one more time before then….