Friday, June 21, 2013

Shedding..... and Instagram page link fixed on the right of the blog....

As summer has begun I am in the process of shedding the additional weight I put on during the last school year. I am currently running at least three days per week and those runs are about 45 minutes long. I am certain I have lost weight but I have not weighed myself to see how much. The real goal is too feel good and that goal has been accomplished. However, that same goal needs maintenance.

Packed weekend with Luna Parc and J&J trip for some Hoboken Beer Can Chicken. 3 more tortuous nights of school with one quiz and a small part of a paper and I am done till September.

I need to get working on some weeding for our corn as you can see where we weeded that the corn has grown much higher. the corn is coming and we will be overwhelmed when the ears are ready.